Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Articles of Confederation Vs. Constitution

Assignment: Use this Prezi to fill out your graphic organizer comparing the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.
DUE Date: Thursday, December 17th, 2009.
Points: 20

Friday, December 11, 2009

Current Event Discussion

Today, we are going to discuss current events through the History Book. Sometimes the in-class discussion becomes a discussion between just a few students. Now, though, everybody has a chance to offer their opinion on the issues being discussed. (and you don't even have to raise your hand!) When an issue is brought up by either myself or a classmate, think about it, form an opinion. A big part of developing as a student and a life-long learner is the ability to think and form your own opinions, then sharing them with others and listening to others' opinions and responding. Don't just say "I don't care about that." That may be true of certain topics, BUT, pretend you do care about it--what do you think?
This disucssion will be carried on in much the same way as our earlier discussion on the biggest challenge facing American Post-revolution. When the issue/topic is posted, think about it and form your own opionion and post it with a comment. We will all be discussing the same issue. Once that issue is done, we will all move onto the next issue on my signal. That way, we aren't discussing 5 things at once and getting confused. As was the case last time, when responding to someone, start your comment off with that student's name so they know you are talking to them. This is not the time to goof off and just try to be funny. Take it seriously. How you handle yourself and conduct yourself in an activity such as this says a lot about the person you are. Think about it.
Good Luck and let the discussion Begin....

First Topic: Mr. Klumper
Second Topic: Mr. Klumper
Third Topic: Mr. Klumper
Fourth Topic and beyond: Students

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The U.S. Faces Challenges in Post-Revolution America

We have covered the American Revolution. We are now moving on to what America was like after the American Revolution. Like we have discussed, America faced many challenges as they began life as an independent country. So now, at this point, we must ask ourselves, which of the five challenges facing America required the most immediate attention? In other words, which challenge did America need to deal with FIRST? Once again, here are the five MAIN challenges America faced:
1. National Debt
2. Foreign Relations
3. Westward Expansion
4. National Government
5. Domestic Issues
Using the History Book as our mode, we are going to discuss amongst each other what we think was the most pressing issue for America. Your task is to form your own opinion about what issue you think America should address first. Try to be convincing. Be convincing by supporting your opinions with details, examples, etc. At the end of the discussion, we will all vote to see what the class thinks.

Read the following Link to have a little background information about the challenges facing America.