We have covered the American Revolution. We are now moving on to what America was like after the American Revolution. Like we have discussed, America faced many challenges as they began life as an independent country. So now, at this point, we must ask ourselves, which of the five challenges facing America required the most immediate attention? In other words, which challenge did America need to deal with FIRST? Once again, here are the five MAIN challenges America faced:
1. National Debt
2. Foreign Relations
3. Westward Expansion
4. National Government
5. Domestic Issues
Using the History Book as our mode, we are going to discuss amongst each other what we think was the most pressing issue for America. Your task is to form your own opinion about what issue you think America should address first. Try to be convincing. Be convincing by supporting your opinions with details, examples, etc. At the end of the discussion, we will all vote to see what the class thinks.
Read the following Link to have a little background information about the challenges facing America.
I personally think the most pressing issue is the National Government. I think this because how would America understand what to pick? Obviously they didn't want a King...but it was all they knew. Also, they wouldn't know to have a decocracy right away. We got lucky they made the right choice..other wise we might be living under communism.
I think the national goverment is the biggest thing, because they will have to find a new goverment and that could casue problems.
I think the most important challenge that they had to face was the National Debt. This is important because they needed to be bringing in money and they had to do by trading. But since the British relations with us were bad now, we couldnt trade with them. So they taxed the people and they were struggling.
I think foreign relations is the biggest deal. Without support and trade from france and britain. we would have a realy hard time paying our debt.
i agree lily
I thought that National Debt was the first thing that they should have delt with. Why? Because debt is a big deal, I think it is smartest to deal with it first so we don't keep piling on and grow greater in Debt.
I disagree JR && Jenna. You can always make more money. A leader is something you keep for a long time. & also, a good leader could bring up the moneyy.
I agree with Morgan. We dont want it to keep getting bigger.
I think that Foreign Relations was the most important thing. We need to get along with foreign countries so we can have trade and have piece with countries and not just jump right back into a war.
So this is one of the most important things so we do not start to get into economy trouble and war trouble again.
Lily: what about the foreign powers not taking us seriously? How would we fix that problem? Because of GB and France not taking us seriously, our trade markets were severely effected. Wouldn't fixing our foreign relations help our economy and in turn help our government be more stable?
i understand where you are coming from MOrgan.. haha.. i am trying to sound importantsss..
they need to wory about national government first because they cant realy make a disions about what there nexest move is. with out government they cant make a good plan. when they get there government gets going then they can ddesided on what is the next right disitions. like westward expansion. or foreign relations.
I think they are both important Lily. If they have a good leader they he could get them out of debt.
because, it could cause a fight like i said, and people might watn to start a new war..
i think that the national debt was the most important. because we r in debt like 5 trillion dallors and how r we supost to do any thing without money. i mean com on we will have less technology if we dont have as much money.
Lily how can the economy make money if it cant sell it products?
and cash crops like tobacco is very valuble in europe.
I think the most importent thing is that we should have paid of debt bcause it would take longer to pay it off later because it will pill up and its more to pay at the end
I say that the national debt really needed to be fixed first, because otherwise the cost of almost ANYTHING would have been too high. If we got the national debt paid, we could lower costs and could have kept our property.
i agree with jena we need to stay the same insted of getting bigger.
I think that the west ward movement is the most important thing to us. they made our country mush bigger and thus gave us room. thus we are now the large country we are. the indians knew it was comming some time. we had much more tech to. no bow and arrows for us.
Thank you Jena (: I agree with you too, because debt is a big deal. I dis agree with Taylor because obviously we wont go back into war right away. So we need to Get other things stright first. Hannah I like your comment (: hah
I would have to say that 4. National Government is the most important part to America after the war. They needed to make the people happy, so they needed a government that would keep the people from going back into a government they had fought to get out of in the first place. So to begin with, Monarchy wasn't going to work. That was practically a dictator ship, except they didn't have to keep you from leaving the country because where are you going to go? There's nothing west of the colonies but Wilderness, and nothing North but Loyalists and Canada. So Monarchy was out. What are they to do? Simply find a good working government, such as Democracy, which hadn't been used anywhere yet. They eventually thought that out, and look where it got us? We're able to choose our presidents, and things like that.
Also, we wouldn't have had much trade with other countries if we hadn't gotten together a good government. Who would want to trade with an unstable government? So if we hadn't had a good enough government, we'd not been able to trade with other countries. This is why I think that is was most important to get a good government set up before anything else was started.
Well, Mr. Klumper, if we have a good government, France & other counrty's would take us seriously.
It would, but you have to take care of what youy think of yourself before you take care of what others think of you. If the people arn't happy, it's not going to end well.
Exactly, mr.klumper if we have people to sell to we can make money.
ok I dont know Mr. Klumper. My comment wasnt that indepth.
I think that the most important issue they had to face was the National government because they needed a good leader to help them make the right choices.
Taylor, don't you think that our foreign relations would improve if our national government was stronger and more stable? foreign nations are not going to take us seriously if our national government doesn't even work...
The most important thing is to get the national government figured out first. after that then they would be able to refer to those new rules to make decisions on foreign relations, expansion, and how to lower the debt.
i think they should try and get a good relation with foreign countrys first before anything else, because if we have a good relation with other countrys that means that there could be less chance of war and more trade
Jena a agree i dont wan debt getting and bigger then it is cause people will start getting frustrated. cause theyf will not have the money. :(
I disagree with Lily. Sure it is really important to have a leader and figure out what we should do with our country. But we also need to be friendly and make piece with other countries so we do not get in another war. It took a month for them to find out more stuff about the govrnment. France or Britain could already have had a trade on the way to the new world
jr i think that we should not worriey obout foreign relations untill we have a goverment to make that disison
i dissagree with you lily i think that a leader is replacable and the people can govern themselves. thats what we broke away for isn't it
I think the national government is the hardest issue. I see that lily and hannah also share my opinion. our new government type could be a good thing, but it may also be a bad thing. so, it may be a problem. It may be tough to keep this type of government going well.
i agree with JR becuse we need foreign relations so we arnt going to war aginst each other.
Thanks Morgan!! I'm glad someone agrees with me.
Thanks Morgan!! I'm glad someone agrees with me.
Ryan: i some what agree with you but how would the indians in the west know that it was coming?
They all are almost the same issue, We had Debt because of the war and we can't do much without tradeing, but they wont take us seriously, so they start taxing, but no one can pay it so they get kicked off their land so they want to move west for more land.
I think it all revolves around the National Debt
MR. Klumper can jesssi and i have skittles??
Yeahyeah Mark :] Obviously we have to correct answer.
Ryan, though westward expansion is important, don't you think a strong national government would offer stability in the west?
Morgan too (:
Yeah can we have some...?
cameron if we have no foreign relations to make money,we cant make money to create a government.
Ryan I would have to disagree because they need a leader to help them get out of debt.
Morgan I know we would not just jump right back into a war ourselves but other countries might want to start one with us.
I also see Brionna and Jessi and Alec and Cameron share my opinion as well
This is the best class of the day, serving it up, Mr. Klumpers way!
we do not need forign relations to any one disagrees
With the huge national debt, America was facing bad times. We desperately needed to get more money coming into our country. To pay off the huge amount of debt we had accumulated, we needed money. One of the ways to make money is by trading and exporting. We had a huge trade system with Great Britain before the war, however, after the war, since relations were obviously gone, that market was no longer as prosperous. So i think that they should make a trade route with france or germany for that time.
I agree with cameron i think that we shouldn't worry about the foriegn relations
i dont think we shoudl worry about the forgein help/ relations
I think the biggest thing is the debt that needs to be paid off first so we dont have high prices so if we pay it off it wouldnt be so high
Courtney they were invaded for 100years
noah, if we deal with foreign help first we wont have a goverment to make the desison on who we do have an alience
Ryan: Yes we would, because otherwise how else would get any income? It would be very hard to get income by only using our own country. WE NEED TRADE. That's also why the National Debt needs to be accomplished first.
Thank you, Mark :]
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