Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's that Picture?

Through various modes of learning, we have covered the American Revolution from its beginning conflicts up to major battles. As Dr. Mullin stated, the American Revolution is often described as pre-1776. Post-1776 is considered the War for American Indepedence. Either way, it is an amazing time period in the history of our country. We should not take for granted the sacrifices made by the founding fathers. Would you be so brave as to sign your name to a document that meant death if captured? This is more than a simply something you learn about in school, it is one of the greatest stories ever told. The powerpoint I have posted takes you through a picture review of what we have talked about thus far. We discussed in class the significance of these pictures. Not everybody gets to share everything they want in class. The History Book, however, provides that ability. By posting a comment, you can share what you think/know about what we have covered thus far.

**Select 3 pictures from the PowerPoint**
1. State what picture you have selected.
2. Explain why that picture is important/what the picture represents.

Goal: To review via blogging the major events of the American Revolution.

Points: 20
DUE Date: November 6th, 2009. 10:00 p.m.


Jena D. said...

1. The Boston Tea Party
It shows how the colonists got angry at the British for putting taxes on tea so they dressed up as indians and dumped many chests of tea into the harbor

2. Thomas Paine
He wrote the book "Common Sense". And he took the whole big picture of what was going on and put it into terms that everyone could understand.

3. Paul Revere
He told Robert Newman to hang lanterns in the Old North Church to symbolize to the people when the British were coming. One lantern if they came by land, and two if by sea. He rode at midnight and told the people the British were coming, but he got arrested.

Desiree R. said...

1. Boston Massacre- The Boston Massacre was when British Soldiers shot into a group of Colonists. At this time the people in America were angry with the British, and one day the started throwing snowballs at the Soldiers. The Soldiers said they would shoot and when the colonists would not listen they did.

2. Bunker Hill- This Battle occured at Breeds Hill and proved the colonists could fight. The British won, but the Patriots help the off twice. The Patriots had to retreat after they ran out of amo.

3.Thomas Paine- He was the auther of the book Commen Sence. This book explaind what was going on in a way everyone could understand. The book explaind why the colonies should turn against Britain, and was very popular. Although he wasn't so popular after he acused George Washington of telling secrets to the British.

Taylor M. said...

Boston Massacre- The boston massacre was were the British men started to shoot at the colonist after having a little fight. The British were not put in jail just branded.

Thomas Paine- He was the writer of common sence. Which helped the colonist understand some of the stuff that did not make sence about the government and bring them to there common sence.

Paul Revere- Was the man that came and warned the colonist on how the British were coming. One lantern in the steeple if they were coming by land and two if they were coming by sea. He then would ride to lexington and warn his fellow americans so they new what to expect.

Morgan (: said...

Bunker Hill- I think that Bunker Hill was important because it showed that we could fight back, and be a country on our own.

Thomas Paine- I think that Thomas Paine was important becuse without common sense very little people would have understood what was going on with the country and the problems with this they understood it and became involved.

Foreign Help- I think that Foreign help played a huge part in the war. With out it I believe that we would have lost and not became America, Well i guess at sometime we would have but who knows.

Morgan (: (dont post this!!!) said...
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Brionna S. said...

1. Carpenter's Hall is important because it is where the Continental Congress met. Which is where the first steps were towards peace and when that wasn't working it is where the first steps towards war were made.

2. Bunker Hill was a battle fought on Breed's Hill. But what was significant about this battle is that it showed the Patriots were going to fight hard.

3. Thomas Paine is an important person because he published "Common Sense" which taught the "common" people what was going on in the war; it also persuaded some people to join the army and fight.

Courtney H said...

1) Thomas Pain
-He wrote Comman Scence which in my opinaion helped get other people to fight in the war
2)Bunker Hill
-it was a turning point somewhat because the Partiots proved they could fight the British
3)Foreign Help
-it helped end the war because there where lots of people to out number the Brittish making them surrender

Kevin P. said...

i think that carpender hall is one of the most important because that is were the first continental congress. the second one is concord because we won. the last one is bunker hill because i think that it is were they proved that they could fight.

Noah Z. said...

1. Paul Revere: I think he was improtant because with out him concord and Lexington would not have been worned that the British.

2. George Washington: I think he was important because with out him we might not have won.

3. Thomas Paine: I think he was important because without him nobody would not support the army because they would not know what was going on because he would not have published Common Sence.

Alec said...

1. Bunker Hill
I have chosen this picture becuase during this battle, the Patriots proved to the British that we could fight back.
2. George Washington
I have selected this picture because George Washington is arguably the most important person to the 13 colonies, and was a general during the Revolution.
3.Boston Tea Party
I have selected the Boston Tea Party as my last picture because this event showed the British that we weren't going to sit back and let the British tax us outrageously and get away with it. We weren't people that they could just push around.

Unknown said...

Boston Massacre: colonists threw stuff, British got mad, People got shot.

Tea Party: British raised taxes, colonists threw tea into the harbor.

Carpenters Hall: 1st and 2nd continental congress met, dec. of ind. was wrote and signed

Ryan R. said...

Boston massacre
this is very one sided it shows that patriots did nothing and got shot. they actully therw rocks and argued.

Ryan R. said...

boston tea party.
this shows that colonists will not take any more taxes and are starting to fight them off a little bit. they dumped tea into the boston harbor

Paul Pevere
this shows paul revere going to warn the patriots about the british comming

Alex P. said...

Boston Tea Party: The Boston Tea Party is important because the british were taxing the colonist too much for it so the colonist dressed up as indians and dump boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor.

Bunker Hill: It is important because it told everyone that the patriots are not afraid of the british. It told that the patriots could last and win the war.

Carpenter's Hall: It was a place where the congress met to think what they should do when the British were taxing for goods.

Wes Hanson said...

boston massacre: colonists threw rocks at soldiers and soldiers shot the colonists

boston tea party: colonists threw tee into harbor, higher taxes

paul revere: shows paul going to warn lexington/concord

Erik J. said...

Carpenters hall: shows where the constatution was signed.

Paul Revere: shows his nightime ride to warn Lexington/Concord

Bunker Hill: Shows the British that we can fight back.

Hannah Murray said...

1. Paul Revere- It is imortant because it represents when the man would hang a lantern 1 if by land 2 of by sea. Paul would go and tell the people.
2. Boston Tea Party- The colonist fwould throw tea into the Harbor cause the teaxes were rases.
3. Bunker Hill- It showed the British we could fight and we would fight!!!

JR said...

1. paul Revere
Two by land one by sea
Made a galant ride to warn the patriots of the aproaching british soldiers

2. Bunker Hill
Proved we could fight
british won but had a lot more casuaties.

3.Thomas Paine Created comon sense, describe the war effort in a way the common people could understand

Kourtney M. said...

Carpenter's Hall: It was where the first Continental Congress first ment.

Paul Revere: He is ridding his horse to tell the colonist how the British is attacking.

2nd Continental Congress: It was where the Declration of Independence was writin and where the founding fathers commited Treason.

Colin E. said...

Carpenter's Hall: Carpenter's Hall is important because it is where the Continental Congress met.

Bunker Hill: Bunker Hill showed that the colonists could put up a fight with the British.

Boston Massacre: The Boston Massacre was the "last straw" to the colonists and when it happened the colonists were ticked off.

lucas 30 cent g-unit said...

boston tea party the patriots dumped all the tea into the harbor. Harbor was closed.

Boston massacre 2 people got shot by the british on purpose colonists started to get mad.

Carpenters hall. Where the 1st continental congress met.