Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Essay Question Possibilities

The following are the Essay Questions for your first test: Colonial America. I will be selecting one of the essays below for your test on Friday. You will not know what essay I have selected until Friday. So study all of the essay questions below to make sure you are prepared for Friday. Thank you.

Essay #1: Explain what Christopher Columbus did and what Impact he had in the World.

Essay #2: Describe the colony of Jamestown.

Essay #3: Compare the colony of Jamestown with the New England colonies. How are they similar? How are they different?

Essay #4: Explain why the colonies came to hate the British. Support your answer by discussing what the British did to cause conflict in the American Colonies.

Money Maker! If you blog some thoughts about any or all of these essay questions, in other words, if you answer these questions on The History Book, I will give you $5000 for your colony. You will get $5,000 for each answer you post. Your answer must be a good answer, though.


cameron miller said...

jamestown hade a bad start at frist untill they elleckted mayors to help with the trading. they traded for food becuse they had no farmers only exploreres. it helped when some one got there way payed so that they can have more land and free workers for 7 years.

Lucas S G-unit said...

1.He brought the disease but you cant blame it on him because he didnt know he was gonna bring them so its not his fault so many natives died.

2.It was the first colony it started off bad because people died during the winter because of no food or and people were freezing to death. In the spring they brought more people and more supplies the the colony of jamestown.

3.The colo0ny of jamestown had alot of people die and they didnt trade with the indians but the new england colonies traded with the indians and the indians showed them how to make corn and they made supplies and sent them back to britain the cononly of jamestown had tobacco contacts.

4.Because great britain raised the taxes and sent red coats to the colonies and the red coats killed alot of the colonists the red coats made them pay their taxes great britain wouldnt buy their supplies. Great britain went to war with the colonies and they had the indians help them.

Colin E. said...

1. Christopher Columbus wanted to find a fast trade route from England to the "Indies" by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean. When he came upon land he thought that he had reached the "Indies" and called the native people "Indians" but actually discovered the "America's". Christopher Columbus's impact was that it created conflict betweem European countries: Everyone wants to add new land.

2. Jamestown had many struggles trying to establish their colony. The first is that they didn't bring over any farmers so they couldn't grow any food. Another reason is that many people were dying because of Malaria, which is from moquitoes. They settled their colony near swamps causing many people to get Malaria.

3. The colony of Jamestown didn't have any income. The way that the New England colony and Jamestown was that none of had a profit right away. Another way they are the same is by they both left Europe to practice there religion freely and practice other religions that the people of Europe didn't believe in. The ways that the colonies are the same is that the New England colonies knew how to farm and didn't have as many people die from sickness.

4. The British put a ton of taxes on goods that the colonists wanted. The British also thought that they could take control over the colonists.

Robert Lee B. said...

Hello Yello! -Starlow-
1.Christopher Columbus simply went to the Americas thinking he had arrived in India. (Which is why the Native Americans in North America are called Indians)Unfortunatly, what he didn't know was what would happen afterward. For example, more of the British came and settled in the Americas, but forced the Native Americans to work for them. Eventually, they killed off a lot of them, like a chicken farm. So they had to bring their own slaves. These people were horrible back then. Luckily, they have basically stopped all over the world, although in some countries, it still goes on. D:

Taylor M. said...

#1. Christopher Columbus founded the New world. He thought he had found a new way to India but he really found new land. When he got there he saw people and called them idians. Many of these indians became sick because they were not use to the diceases that him and his group brought over. That was the bad impact. The good impact was that he then helped people in the future kind of start a new life and live it somewhat the way they wanted.

#2Jamestown was the first English colony. King James the I let people start the colony after they asked a year before. It was near alot of mashes and so many died from a dicease. Others from famine. It was a very had time for the new colonists. But they lived through it and with the help of John Smith and John Rolfe they slowly began to grow and become a better colony.
#3Jamestown and New England are not very different. New England was self govened. They also just kind of left Europe and not ask the king if they could make a colony they just did it. New England stated out better and progressed better then Jamestown.

#4 The colonist came to hate the British after the French and Indian War. They really started to take over the new world. They raised taxes on needed items without the colonist even know it. Many colonist boycotted and this made the British made making even more taxes and making the problems worse. Some of the colonists were even shot by British soldiers and this made an up roar.

Lily. said...

Essay #1: Explain what Christopher Columbus did and what Impact he had in the World: Columbus had a very big impact on the world, I think. He found North America (kindof. But also he killed lots of people, so it's kindof a two sided thing.
He thought he found India, but he accutelly found new land. He never knew he didn't find India.

Essay #2: Describe the colony of Jamestown. Jamestown was the first English Colony, King James let them start Jamestown after they had asked a year before, and the ended up being by very Marshy land, so they became very sick. But, with the help of John Smith, they slowly got back up on there feet.

Essay #3: Compare the colony of Jamestown with the New England colonies. How are they similar? How are they different? The Colony of Jamestown didn't have any money. But they both left England to practice there own religion.

Essay #4: Explain why the colonies came to hate the British. They came to hate them, because the British taxed them, heavaly. Also, the Boston massacare happened. Great Brition went to war with the Colonists. The Stamp act, the Sugar Act..they all had something to do with the festering hate.

Jena D. said...

1. Christopher Columbus thought he was going to Aisa but instead he came over to America but didn't know it, he discovered America. He brought the disease over to America that killed so many people, he impacted it because he brought the disease over but someone had to do it sometime.

2. Jamestown was the first English colony. People came over and there were many marshes there so the people got malaria. They also had famine. Where the people didnt have very much food. Life was hard for the colonists but i guess it got a little better.

3. Jamestown started off a lot worse than New England did. New England thrived more and had better experience with crops and things. Jamestown didnt really do very good with crops and things. New England didnt have that many people die from sickness too and they had a better income. They arent really that similar.

4. The British started putting taxes on things like tea and that was unfair. It happened after the French and Indian war. They started boycotting the taxes on tea and other products which made the taxing worse and then they got more angry. The colonists pretty much hated the British.

Alec Finch said...

1. Christopher Columbus isn't a bad guy. He discovered the New World and someone was going to do it some time or other. Disease wasn't his fault;he didn't create it or intentianally bring it to the New World. Christopher was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
2. Jamestown was the first colony of the New World. It was the first perminant, actually. When the first peoples came to Jamestown, they died out that winter, and then ext couple years, more and more people came which is more mouths to feed. Jamestown almost didn't make it, until the natives helped them out a bit.
3. Jamestown was the first colony to the New World, not the New England colonies. The New England colonies had it way easier than the Jamestown peoples. The New England colonies came after all the hardships, and everyone knew how to grow crops. The New England colonies had all kinds of tools that they brought too. They also had all kinds of seeds that they brought from the old world. They had seeds to bring, and planted those, so they got different foods then what the Jamestown peoples had to begin with.
4. The colonists began hating the British because of the outrageous taxes. How would you like being taxed way more than you even own? That's pretty much what happened to the people of the New World. They began to also get angry at the presence of the "Red Coats". Soldiers everywhere, and you had to feed them! You have to money to pay for the taxes, much less a soldier, so what do you do? You start a war, and they won

Kevin P. said...

Jamestown is a colony that lived in America and lived by the indians. I think that Jamestown is bad because they brought a bunch of exsplorers and not farmers. I think that is stupid because many of the people died of starvation. It was even worse once the winter hit because they did not bring warm cloths. Luckly the indians were there to teach them how to grow crops. They were friendly to each other because they traded goods. I think that they aren't bad but they need to be wiser about what they need.

Noah Zangara said...

1. He found the new world and told everbody that they could go over there.

2. They were a good coloney but they did have some problems. They didnt think everything out like where they would live and farming.

3. They are simular by they were one of the first settlers and the way they did stuff. They are different by Jamestown was the first settlement there.

4. They hated them because the britains put taxes on them and thy couldn't do anything about it.

E. L. Jupiter said...

Essay #1: Explain what Christopher Columbus did and what Impact he had in the World. Mr. Columbus was just a person like you, or I, but he wanted to make a shortcut to his destination. By accident, he discovered North America( wasn't called that at the time) and founded it and called it Colonies... no not really...

Courtney H said...

1) christopher Columbus found the new world, the impact he had on the world was that alot of people who wanted to get away from the king wanted to come to a new place to start over

2)Jamestown was named after King James who let the explores come over and clam land for him. Jamestown was built in a marshy area and because of this they had famin because they could not grow any crops on the land.

3)Jamestown and New England colonies are similar because they both came from Enland and they both left because of the goverment. they are diffrent because jamestown started out bad because they picked a bad spot to start, new enland colonies start well because they new how to farm unlike jamestown who where just exlpores who didnt know how to farm.

4)The colonies came to hate the British because they raised taxes and added more taxes with out being informed about it and because of this they tried to reble from England not having to pay their taxes with that is started a war between the colonist and the British

Alex P. said...

Essay #1
He wanted to go to China a faster way. So he went the other way and he ended up in America. When he came his men didn't want to do all the farming and all the jobs. So what he did was he made the Native Americans to work for them. Later on more people came and brought diseases to the new world. Once he brought those diseases a lot of bad things started to happen like there 5,000 people living in a valley or small city when he brought those diseases they killed most of the population to like 500 people left in the valley.

cameron miller said...

1. christopher columbus wanted to find a new and shorter way to asia but insted found amirica. once he arived in amirica he thought that he was in asia. a big impact he had was that the disesis that where on the ship killed most of the natives.

2. jamest towen had a bad start because the people that found james towen where only explorers non of the people knew how to farm. until they ellected a mayor wich helped with the food problem but not the mony.

3. jamestowen is simuler to the negland colonies because they both wanted to break a way from great briten and both hated that the briten whanted to rase taxes. england colones hade an easyer time geting started cause they hade farmers.

4. the colones hate the britesh cause they raised the taxes on alot of iteams. they haredly hade enoufe mony to get by so they didnt want to give the littel amount of mony that they had left to the king insted of there food suply and other iteams.

Tanner L. said...

3. The settlement are simial because they both wanted more land and had diseases. They are different because they came from different places. They also settled in different places.

4. The colonies hated the British because theyt started putting random taxes on the colonies. After a while of getting taxed they decided revolt against them and started the American Reovolution.

1. When Christopher Comumbus came he started the Americas and also killed most of the indians that were already there.

2. The colony of Jamestown started because people wanted more land and money. Jamestown had a lot of misqutoes from the marshes by it. Although they did always have a fresh breeze from the ocean that they were near.

Kevin P. said...

The Jamestown colony and the England colony are different and the same. I think that they are the same because they lived in the same country and they helped each other out like giving them tips how to survive the winter and what to live in. I also think that they are a lot different because the England colony new how to grow crops and live in houses that have fires and are made of wood. The Jamestown is also different because they have had a lot of people die and they really didn't know how to build houses or grow crops.

Hannah Murray said...

1. Christopher Columbus traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to Find India and ended up in the America's. Wtih him he brought diseases that caused lots of people to die.

2. The colony of Jamestown was the first colony. Lots of people dies over the winter cause they had no food

Hannah Murray said...

1. Christopher Columbus traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to Find India and ended up in the America's. Wtih him he brought diseases that caused lots of people to die.

2. The colony of Jamestown was the first colony. Lots of people dies over the winter cause they had no food

Brionna S. said...

1. Christpher Columbus convinced King ferdinand and Queen Isabella to pay for his trip to sail across the Atlantic to reach Asia. After he finaly reached "Asia" they called the Native Americans "Indies" thinking he was in the Indies. Columbus discovered many new things and made 4 trips in all. The day of his death he still believed he was in Asia, but really he had been in the Americas the entire time!
2.Jamestown was the first English settlement in America. However, they didn't get off to a very good start in the new land. Fist off, the people were adventures not farmers, so there was a little amount of food. Since they settled near marshy areas many mosquitos gave people malaria and died. Later, John Smith took over and things began to improve. John Rohlf married Pocahontas creating a peacefull relationship between them and the natives until she died in London. Then war broke out.
When the Headright system came about many people came and a lot of
land was gained. So to make use of the land they started plantations but had nobody to work on them so indentured servitude began. Later, they needed even more people and started slavery using Africans to do the work.
3.The colonies of Jamestown and New
England were similar but also had differences. For instance, they both came across the ocean to escape religious prosecution. But the colonies both had ups and downs
although the New England colonies got off to better starts, they also had downfalls.
4. The colonies came to dislike the
British because they began to take
over them. The British raised taxes
and brought up several acts. Since
the colonies began to just boycott
the rules it hurt GB's economy. The colonist got very angry at them and made attempts to fix the tensions.

Unknown said...

cc discovered america. an impact he made was he made it so WE would be here. He also killed all the native americans and caused slavery. what a jerk!

jamestown had it bad. lots of disease and mosquitos and not enough workers. they had problems with the indians. there leader almost died too.

jamestown was worse than the english colonies. english had plenty of workers, less disease and mosquitoes, and the indians liked them.

the colonies didnt like the british. the british were mean. i forgot what they did, but they were still mean. i hope i get the money for this even though i dont know what im talking about.

team shark is now team death fang.
go there->

Hannah M. said...

1. Christopher Columbus traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to Find India and ended up in the America's. Wtih him he brought diseases that caused lots of people to die.

2. The colony of Jamestown was the first colony. Lots of people dies over the winter cause they had no food

3.The Jamestown Colony compared to the New England Colony. Jamestown had a bad colony lots of desieses and less people to help with food making/growing
The New England Colony had a good life with Lots of help and lets desiese and the Indians liked them and they were there to teach and hep them.

4. The British were not liked because they controlled the colonist and made higher taxes and they were not the nicest people either