Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President Obama's message to America's Students

Here is President Obama's speech to America's Students. Watch the video if you want. What do you think about the speech?
Incentive: If you watch this speech and post a comment about what you think about it, you will earn $500 for your colony.


Brionna S. said...

I think that our school should've seen this speech, since Obama brought up some good points on how it is important to take good responsibility when it comes to education.

Morgan Frewaldt. said...

ohhhhh. I feel super cool cause im the first person to leave a comment! hahahah. Okay, well i thought that the speach was good, but while i was watching it i kind of felt like i was getting yelled at.

Alex P. said...

I think that the parents where wrong about saying that Obama will brain wash every one. I think what he said is true cause some of the things to do when you need help is to ask help from teachers and I don't really do that and that kind of encouraged me to ask question when I need help.

Lily. said...

Personally I don't see anything wronge with this speech...in fact I think its pretty awesome that he's giving us a speech at all. & Bush did it, why can't Obama?

Jena D. said...

I think that we should have watched this speech in school and that it had nothing to do with getting anyone to believe in his political view or healthcare. He just talked about getting and good education and the importance of it. I thought i was really good.

Tanner L. said...

I think that the school should of should this at school because it only talked about school and how it is important to get good grades.

Hannah Murray said...

I really think that your school should of watched the speech all together. I think that he is right with the things she is talking about. The speech had like no political thing to it it was all about kids and shcool.

Ryan R. said...

I think it is sad that we could not watch our own president give a speach. he said nothing about his party. kids will grow up ond=e day and have to make that decision for them selves. for us it is only 4 years. it was nce to have the president telling the students that we half to try. it is not just because bush made no child left behind but think he really cares about us. why wouldn't he our generation has to clean up the mess this one has left behind

Courtney H said...

I think we should have watched this video at school because Obama actual coverd some really good points that we should do.

Taylor M. said...

wow,that is really all I can say. I know that the speech has inspired me in just pushing myself alittle harder now and in the years to come. With everything I do. It is funny that we did not watch this. It might have helped people struggle in our school or in schools across the country. His words were every touching and true. Hardwork does pay off and to get into a good school it does take hardwork. People should not quit because it get to hard but to move on because of the challenge.

Colin E. said...

I think that we should have watched it because its our president talking to the students that if you dont get an education that you might not make your goals in life and not please your parents or your self. If the president speaks to the students they will be more enouraged to work hard.

Kourtney M. said...

I think we should have been able to see this he didn't say anything along the lines of if we have to be demicrat or repuplican its up to us and he did mention some good points its up to us what we do with our lives he is just tring to point us in the right drection.